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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Two

Music Maestro. . .Let's Pick Up the Tempo

Example content imageThe bathroom door opened and out stepped a man, attired in a stunning pink angora sweater, and cream colored skirt, balancing precariously on black high heels. In his hand was a director’s megaphone which he brought up to his lips to begin his morning pep-talk.

“Good morning gentlemen…eh,” He looked over to Bon Bon who flipped her yellow boa back over a bare shoulder, watching Wood, waiting for recognition. Wood bowed in her direction, “and lady, who is as beautiful today as she was yesterday.”

Bon Bon smiled and blew a kiss to the director, then seductively turned, bending slightly forward, her thong revealing firm, taunt buttocks. Lt. Victor stepped closer to “the lady”, a hand on the pistol that hung at his side, giving a warning look to Wood.

“Yeah, right,” Wood cleared his throat, then plastered his smile back on his face, that was so wide Mort swore the man’s head would break in half and fall off backwards.

“Now, as I was saying. Let’s get the old gray matter working this morning. Let’s try to give our new writer, Mort, here, some ideas for story lines. How do any of you expect to escape our involuntary confinement if you don’t present your ideas. Now come on, pronto, people. Start networking here.”

He turned to Mort, his smile never faltering and nodded. “That should get them going.”

Mort shook his head. “Jesus,” he thought. “Morons. I’m stuck in a room with freaking morons.” He opened the laptop again and saw the screen was still blank. With a flick, he slammed it shut again and pushed it aside, almost sending it over the edge of the desk.

“F--k this!” He said aloud.

“No, Mort,” Axel pleaded, “be careful. You almost broke it.”

“Broke?” The word brought the gypsy’s attention away from his guitar. “If something is broke, I can fix it.” Roux stood and started walking towards Mort’s desk. Rainey snatched the laptop back towards him, protecting it from the Scotsman.

“Keep your Mick hands off my stuff. You don’t know s--t about computers, how do you expect to fix them?” Mort gave Roux a warning look not to come any closer. Disappointed at the rejection Roux turned back to where he left his guitar. As he did, Mort shot an imaginary finger gun at the gypsy’s head.

Arnie’s laughter filtered from beyond the closed window and in a flash Gilbert ran to it, heaving at the frame in his attempt to open it. Then as quickly as it came, the laughter died. Yet, Gilbert was determined to free the window from its position.

“Give it up, Grape!’ Hanson yelled. “I’ve been here, Jesus, since 1990. The damn window doesn’t open! It only takes 3.3 seconds for anyone to see that! Once he’s done with you, he’s done with you. You don’t get out of this freaking room.” Gilbert’s body slumped against the glass as he surrendered to defeat, again.

“Damn it, all this drinking’s made me hungry. How about some lunch!” Duke cried to the room. He couldn’t remember the last time he had anything decent to eat, not since Vegas, anyway.

“Sam! Sam! We need sandwiches in here. Come on, quick as a bunny! Oh there’s were I left it,” he finished calling out the order for lunch then became aware of his accordion’s location. He pulled it on and played with a few of the keys, none making any resemblance to a song.

“Your playing, my dear man, is an abomination to the trained ear. Please, I must ask you to cease and desist.” Ichabod begged as he felt his way around the room, searching the bookshelves for a secret passage, his face clenched in his latest viewing contraption.

But Raoul Duke continued the masquerade of a song until Mort could no longer stand it and began to pound his head on the his desk.

“This is the Idiot’s Orchestra,” he thought as he went down for the third time, “ and I’m the f--king conductor.”


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