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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Seven

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Example content imageDamn the wench!” Jack spat, spinning back to the bar as he clenched his empty glass. “I knew she be one to keep a sharp eye on, but I never thought she’d be one to steal a man’s monkey!” All eyes were on the Captain as he slumped forward over the bar.

Jack suddenly bolted upright as he realized he was being watched. He cleared his throat and thrust forth his chest, then without a word, marched himself (well, there may have been a bit of a wobble) to the exit door.

He turned the knob, but it refused to budge. He tried a little harder. The knob stayed locked. Without provocation, Jack began to pull on the door handle, each try becoming more and more intense as he tried to open the door that was the only way out of the room.

Again, he stopped, turning fast on his heel to face Barrie, then slowly, calculating, walked towards the newcomer. As he did, Barrie began to creep backwards, afraid of what the pirate had in mind for him.

Jack raised a finger towards him, one eye squinted in the Scotsman’s direction.

“That...” Jack shouted out, “that was a wonderful trick! Making me think I was free to go…that I would be the next one out of this God-forsaken rat hole. Well, let me enlightened you dear Master Barrie…dead men tell no tales.”

Sparrow was close to Barrie, who now was pinned, almost sitting, on Mort’s desk.

Mort tried to push the man’s derrière off his desk but had no success.

“I can assure you my dear man,” Barrie tried to save himself, “that it is no trick. I heard him. I heard him say he signed papers for you.”

Sparrow leaned back for a better look at the frightened man. Lord, the man was akin to that bloody Inspector Crane. He watched as Barrie continually nodded his head, an attempt to convince Jack that he would indeed be the next to be called out of the room.

“So, you know now, what this room be about?” Jack stepped back from Barrie. “You know that this,” he swept his hand, gesturing around the room, “ that this is inside his head. That we are stuck here, discarded like chum over the side of a ship, because HE,” at this word Jack pointed upwards, “because HE has no more use for us. He sends us here, to be forgotten, never to be seen or heard from again.”

“That’s not entirely true, “ Ichabod interjected. “ there have been on several occasions that...”

“Stop blowing holes in my theories!” Jack turned and screamed venomously at Crane. The young Inspector hiccuped a yelp, then turned to rejoin Dean who never looked up from his books.

Jack returned his attention to Barrie. He narrowed his eyes then relaxed his face concluding perhaps that the man was telling the truth.

He turned and began to walk away but quickly spun back to Barrie, his filthy, bony finger pointing at him.

“I just want to say for the record, I have always liked you.” Then raised and waved his arms as he returned to the bar.

“Drink up, me mateys! Let us celebrate my upcoming freedom and that I can hunt down the vixen who stole my monkey!”


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