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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Twelve

A Circle Full of Guns Demands a Balance

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Mort felt like he was in a dream as he watched Shooter approach Duke. The journalist stood with his back to them, pounding on his accordion. The screeching instrument was creating a sound like nails on a chalkboard…it just gave Shooter the creeps.

Slowly, Shooter drew back the shovel, eyeing his prey. Duke continued to play, rocking back and forth from foot to foot, his cigarette billowing smoke like a tar-laden fog.

“Put the f--king shovel down, Rainey. . .Shooter, whoever the hell you are today.”

George Jung stood there, a cocked gun to the would-be murderer’s temple. How did the coke-head sneak up on him like that?

“What the f--k!” Duke turned to face his adversary. “Jesus H…what the hell’s going on here?” Duke found he couldn’t move, frozen by the attempt on his life. He looked to see his drinking pal holding his gun to the man’s head.

“Thanks, Jung! Always knew you were a friend of mine! Remind me to get you a drink!”

“Not so fast.” It was FBI agent Pistone, aka Donnie Brasco. “I’ve always wanted an excuse to blow your drug-selling, coke-snorting ass away Jung. Go ahead. Give me an excuse.” He held his service issue revolver to the back of Jung’s head.

It was Brasco’s turn to feel the end of a barrel. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” the gunfighter, William Blake warned the agent. “I don’t think you have the authority of the law in here.” Brasco told him what to do with himself. Blake ignored the suggestion.

“I have to insist that you refrain from any attempt of injuring Agent Pistone.” Ichabod Crane rarely pulled his weapon, but felt the need to do so now as he drew it on Blake. He did not touch the gunfighter with it, fearing he would sense the tremble in his hand.

The tremble grew more evident when Crane felt a gun to his own head. “I do fear that this has gotten out of hand. You gentleman are upsetting my lady.” Lt. Victor informed them all. He told himself if he could control the masses of a prison,he certainly could squelch this little uprising. But he too found himself at the other end of a gun.

“I really don’t have the foggiest what is going on here. This looks like everything has gone to hell” Abberline stated, after waking up from his opium-induced sleep, “But whatever is going on here, I don’t think this will resolve it.”

The sound of a M-16 being prepared for firing caught the Inspector’s attention. Pvt. Lerner stood behind him, shouting in Vietnamese to put down the weapon. Lerner had snapped back from his war memories to find a circle of armed men and thought they were a group of prisoners running amok. He repeated the command.

“You know, Private, I’m having a thought here.” Sparrow had pulled his pistol out, and had tapped the back of the soldier’s head, then placed the gun down between the private’s legs. “It would be a shame for me to use my one and only shot on you, you know I’ve always liked you. But it appears that no one is parlaying. Now if you put down your weapon, then Abberline would do the same, and so forth and so forth, I am positive we can come to a compromise. Otherwise, I will find it necessary to make you a eunuch. Nasty wound that would be, you know? Makes it a little hard to get a girl”

Lerner listened to Sparrow and realized he valued what was between his legs more than taking a prisoner, and lowered the M-16. The pirate moved on to Abberline waiting for him to comply as he leveled the pistol, with just one shot, at the Inspector’s family jewels.

Abberline followed suit and lowered his weapon. One by one, the Captain of the Black Pearl made his way through the line of armed men, convincing each one that it was better to be a whole, live man, than a brave eunuch.

They all complied. That is until he reached the man with the shovel. He kept it raised slightly above Duke’s head, ready to bring it down on a moment’s notice.

Sparrow moved his pistol further up to the man’s face that was nearly hidden by the black wide-brimmed hat.

“You’re not being very nice now today. Might I suggest that you put down said shovel and return to your desk, perhaps even pour yourself a shot of that fine whiskey you tend to keep for yourself.”

The mention of whiskey brought him to the edge of his sanity, as he turned, his eyes wide with hatred as he changed his intended victim from the journalist to the pirate. Jack realized that the shovel was about to land on his head, and attempted to pull back the hammer on his pistol, taken off guard that he was actually going to have to use his one shot.

A weapon fired, the bullet striking against the shovel’s metal spade, richoceting off. The men in the room ducked, including Sparrow, for he had yet to pull his own trigger.

The clang of the dropped shovel reverberated off the room’s walls.

“Now, if you dickheads are finished playing your f-king games over there, I would like to finish my lunch, which by the way is excellent today.” Sands lay down his weapon on the table and picked up his fork.

“Why did you stop me?” came Shooter’s question. “I was doing my duty, trying to make “him” aware of us in here.”

All eyes were on Sands as he finished a bite of the pork dish. No one spoke, no one moved. Finally the agent wiped his mouth, took a drink of tequila and explained.

“I stopped you because that is what I do. I restore the balance. I may not be able to see, but I could hear that things were a bit one sided. So, my duty, Mr. Shooter, is to restore balance. Now, can we all stop all screwing the pooch and get back to what we do best, which is usually nothing.”

Sands returned to his lunch, unaware that half the room was holding up a certain finger in his honor.


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