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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Thirty-One

Sparrow Feels Her Sorrow

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Sparrow sat on the floor beneath Mort’s desk, the computer in his lap. He reached out and gingerly touched the screen that now displayed Jessi’s picture on what Sam referred to as the homepage.

“Aye…Jess.” he whispered. “Been too long has it not lass?”

He turned the computer towards Sam.

“More. Can ye put more of her pictures on this thing?”

Sam shrugged and pressed a few keys. The screen changed to recipes and cooking ideas. Each screen flashed a different picture of Jessi doing different things in a kitchen. Sparrow sat and smiled, laughing at a few, asking Sam to go back to one so he could see it again, before moving on to the next screen.

“Does this thing know how t’contact her?” Sparrow asked.

Sam double-checked the menu and saw where he could click “Email Me”

With one stroke Sam brought up an email screen, ready to fill out and send on its way.

“Can ye put in the words I want to be saying to her?” Sparrow asked Sam. Sam nodded and brought the computer into his own lap. The pirate looked over Sam’s shoulder ready to dictate.

“We have to hurry Captain. I don’t know how much longer that Metamucil will be working on Mr. Rainey.”

Sparrow knitted his brow as he tried to think of the perfect thing to say to Jessi. To let her know that she was in his thoughts.

He smiled as the words came to him. He opened his mouth to repeat them to Sam, when suddenly…

The computer screen flickered, flashed off, then flashed on again.

Jessi was gone…instead…in it’s place was a different picture…fuzzy but the form of a man, laying on a boat asleep could be seen. Near his feet was a drink…a pink drink.

The picture began to move, haltingly, like one of those old fashioned picture shows.

A person was waking the man…handing him a package…there was no sound…just the picture. The man looked at the package, his mouth was moving as he picked up a poor excuse of a sword and waved it briefly…then put it back down. He then opened the package.

From what Sparrow and Sam could see it was a box of popcorn. The man held it up so they could see it better.

The pirate leaned back a bit when the man faced forward. Could he see them, he wondered?

The picture continued as a woman stepped in and poured the man another pink drink…then the screen went blank. Nothing.

“Oh Geesh…” Sam said as he suddenly realized , “that was him!” Sam looked over to the pirate whose face was clouded with anger as he glared at the screen.

“Captain, did you hear what I said? That was Mr. Depp. He must have very strong feelings today to have interfered with Mort’s computer again. Mort said it happened once before. Said he was dreaming about a girl named Lori..Mort said…”

“WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PIRATE GURL?” Sparrow screamed, throwing his hands towards the computer.

“Captain, please, your voice. Lower your voice.” Sam pleaded. In horror, Sam watched as Sparrow pulled his pistol and pointed at the computer.

“Bring her back!” He demanded. Sam wasn’t sure if the pirate was asking him or if he actually was talking to the computer.

Sam pressed a few keys, shaking his head. “Sorry Captain. It’s gone. It’s crashed. Something’s not working right now.” He closed the laptop and slid it back up onto the desk as he stood.

The young man looked down at the pirate who still sat on the floor, his pistol laying in his lap.

“We can try again another day Captain. Okay?”

Sparrow let his eyes look up to Sam, showing no emotion, but Sam knew he was upset. He knew the pirate loved all his special ladies. Each one was a flower in Sparrow’s garden, he remembered the Captain saying once. But for some reason, today, he seemed to be obsessed with reaching this particular girl.

Sparrow pulled himself to his feet, brushed himself off and returned his pistol to his belt band. He looked at Sam and felt he owed him an explanation. Something a pirate rarely did…explain their actions.

“I just get the feeling m’friend she’s very sad. I felt sadness when I looked at ‘er picture just now. I just felt the need to let ‘er know I’d be thinking ‘bout ‘er.”

Sparrow patted Sam on his shoulder as he brushed past him.

“Thank ye young Sam. Ye did yer best. Once again, I’m in yer debt.”

Sam watched as the pirate made his way to the bar and ordered a bottle of rum.

Sam knew by the end of the day the pirate would be very, very drunk.


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