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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Thirty-Five

Sparrow Spins His Tale

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The pirate grabbed a full bottle of rum and motioned for Spencer to have a seat at the nearest table. The Commander slid into the chair nearest the wall, glancing upward towards the ceiling.

Hanging just above him was Sparrow’s cage, the one Kait had made. He could not help but admire the handiwork. Jack saw him looking at the beautifully made cage.

“Aye, she is a beaut, ye must agree. Just like the lady who makes ‘em. Fine woman. Good with ‘er hands.” Sparrow’s mind wandered a bit, then he cleared his throat, returning back to the present, throwing back a gulp of rum as he remembered Kait.

“Okay, now where was I? Ah, yes, Paris. Gay Pariee. Wine, women, and whatever one desires.” He rolled his hand about to emphasize the enormity that the city had to offer.

“And I...well, this pirate’s eye fell upon such a glorious angel. Be sure, Commander, an angel she be. Fallen from heaven ‘cause she lost ‘er wings, to be sure.” He smiled, the gold flashing. “She might’a lost ‘er wings, but she still had ‘er voice.”

“Question, Captain,” the astronaut interrupted.

“Mm?” Jack spun his head towards Spencer, surprised he was already questioning his story.

“How did you come to be in Paris? Not exactly close to your haunts in the Caribbean, now is it?”

Sparrow refilled his companion’s glass. “Ah..yes…good question ‘tis. Well it be before I had back da’Pearl. I was still in search of me ship and me travels brought me to that fair city. Was in London when I heard rumors it had been careened near one of them ports in the Mediterranean. Found myself crossing France to get there. Made it as far as Paris before the news traveled back to me that they were already gone.”

He swallowed a mouthful of rum, choking a bit, opening and closing his mouth to clear his airway.

“Argghh…anyways…there I be. Paris. Now I knows that there be no pirates in that land locked city, so I tried to keep a low profile so to speak. But hunger, drink and women are a strong calling to a pirate and soon I be inside one of those fancy French places where they got their songbirds hanging from swings.”

Armacost nodded letting the Captain know he understood.

The pirate leaned back in his chair, holding his hands up as if drawing attention to Kait’s cage hanging above their heads.
“Now imagine me friend. A cage such as this fine one, but large enough to hold the most beautiful girl I’d laid eyes on since I arrived in the city.”

Armacost followed the pirate’s hands as he drew them down towards the table.

“Down, down , down she come. Sitting pretty as ye please inside the cage. It stopped just above me head. I could’ve reached out and touched her. But, she was above me.”

“Above you in the cage?” Spencer added.

Jack eyed him, shaking his head at the astronaut’s misunderstanding.

“No…no…above me station. I was a pirate. I knew that. She…she was a lady.”

Sparrow added a flourished gesture with his hands

“What was she doing in the cage?” Spencer asked, finishing his drink.

“Singing. But mind ye, it was in French. Hadn’t a clue what she was saying. But her costume was all lace and feathers and fluffy things. I guess to make her look like a bird. A beautiful bird.”

“She must have been quite a sight.”

“Aye she was. And around her shoulders, a scarf…a long red scarf.”
Sparrow lifted the end of the scarf that was wrapped around his head. “This scarf.”

“She gave you her scarf she was wearing?” Spencer raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “Or did you steal it?”

“Borrowed.” Sparrow corrected him. “I’ve borrowed her scarf, so to speak.”


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