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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Fifty Six

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Wait lad!” Jack cried out, falling into step behind Sam. Sam paused on the staircase, turning towards the pirate.

“Do ye think it be a safe place down there? I mean, me not having a key and all. How could I get down to fetch back me effects?”

“Just like I did, Captain. You open the door and come down.” Sam turned back to descend the stairs.

“But how can ye be doing this without Blake’s key?” Sparrow was confused.

“It was never locked, Captain. They just think it’s locked. As long as they think it is locked, the door is locked to them. This is his Room, Captain. But sometimes we can still control things here. So one day I decided the door wouldn’t be locked.” Sam shrugged as landed at the bottom.

Sparrow made his way down to Sam. Reaching above his head, Sam pulled a light chain, bringing a bare bulb to life. Its white-yellow glow filled the room. Boxes upon boxes cast shadows. Sam weaved through the small path between the boxes. There were boxes of all sizes, all colors, neatly stacked one onto of another. Each one was either dated or displayed a name.

“What is all this?” Jack asked.

“His memories. Neatly packed and stored away where no one can see. There are all his. All his privates memories, private thoughts. No, Captain!” Sam yelled out as Jack began to lift a lid.

“No, please. They are down here for safe keeping. Can’t disturb them. The last person down here was Jung. He opened a box back in 2000, I think it was. Some bad childhood memories escaped right about the time Lily-Rose was being born. It made him afraid. Afraid he would be a bad father. So he didn’t work for two years. Stayed home with her. That is when he had Angee send in the skeleton key to Blake. So to make them think the door was locked.”

“Ye know a lot about this place, lad.” Sparrow admired Sam’s knowledge, but was curious as to how he came to know such things. Sam continued, relieved he had someone to share with.

“I get some of the information from the Commander. Emily sends it to him, you know, through the radio.”

The damn Commander, thought Jack. The pirate’s thoughts began to churn, recalling Armacost was responsible for losing the monkey and the coin. That space money knows more than me pretends. He wondered if it would be rewarding to have a little talk with the Commander. Maybe bring him down a rung or two. The radio, Jack thought, that would be his Achilles heel.

Jack shook the thought from his head as Sam stopped and opened a box.

“Here Captain, you can put your letters in here.” On the side was simply marked LETTERS.

“That’s a little obvious isn’t it lad? It’s like writing the word COINS outside of ye coin purse.”

“Oh, yes, I guess you’re right.”

“Never mind, young Sam. I think mayhap that just being down here is enough for now. Me thinks I will sit and read the letters down here. Would that be permitted?”

Sam gave a one-shouldered shrug. “I guess. Just promise not to open any of the boxes. It would be a Pandora’s box if you did Captain.”

Jack made an X across his chest. “I promise ye lad, I not be putting me nose in any of these here boxes.”

Sam nodded, believing the Captain’s swear and promise.

“Then I’ll leave you, Captain. I will have to close the door and push the cabinet back so no one else gets suspicious. But just knock when you want to come out, okay?”

Sparrow gave Sam a two-finger salute off his hat. He watched as the young boy climbed the stairs. He listened as the door slammed shut and heard the slide of the cabinet.

Once he was satisfied he was alone, Jack sat down on the floor, among the stacks of boxes and opened the first letter.

“My Dear Jacques” it began.


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