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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Sixty-Five

The Escape

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Mort mumbled to himself, cursing the gypsy, the Frenchman, the Spaniard, the pirate, anyone that came to mind. They all got a piece of his mind, even if it was in his head.

He glanced at the screen. The cursor continued to flash, reminding him that he had yet to write one single word.

His thoughts were disrupted as the kitchen door swung open and Sam entered, pushing the cart containing dinner. Mort watched as the assigned cook removed the lids and revealed…mashed potatoes…again.

Rainey moaned then shouted, “Can’t you make anything else besides the damn potatoes?”

Sam looked to Mort but only made raised his hands in a defeated gesture.

“I can only make what I have to cook with. Today it was potatoes.”

“Hey!” Duke cried as he spat a mouthful of spuds back onto his plate. “These taste different! They’re …they’re…they’re kind of plain, my man. What gives?”

“Again,” Sam answered. “Have to use what I have. The secret ingredient wasn’t available. No deliveries today. Don’t know what’s happened to Hannah…” Sam clamped his hand to his mouth. He let the secret out.

“Hannah? Hannah?” Officer Hanson interjected. “Isn’t she the Banana Girl?” The undercover cop looked down at his pile of potatoes, not sure he wanted to eat them. But then again, he had eaten them with the fruit. Why should he be upset that they were plain? He shrugged and shoveled in a mouthful. Hanson gagged it down. Duke was right, they weren’t the same.

Crane brought his own plate of cooked tubers to his nose, giving a sniff before setting it down on the nearest table. Sands heard the plate hit the table and reached out for it, trying not to draw attention as he pulled the dish towards him. He didn’t give a s--t if they had no bananas, he was f--king starving.

“Perhaps, dear Sam,” the constable began as he stepped away from Sands, fully aware the agent had stolen his potatoes. “Perhaps I can join you in the kitchen and together we can create a better dish. What do you say?”

“I’d appreciate that, Constable Crane. I’ll show you what I have. Please, be my guest,” Sam bowed, hat in hand, gesturing towards the kitchen. Crane returned the bow and headed for the door with Sam right behind him. Together they disappeared behind the swinging kitchen door.

The Room had grown silent and so all jumped when pounding came on the door.

Blake did a visually sweep of the Room and except for Sam and Crane all were present and accounted for.

A second round of knocking broke their concentration as all wondered who it could be.

“Will someone ask who it is? Or invite them in?” Wood shouted through his megaphone. He gave a start when he saw Frenchy looking in his direction.

“Oh, hell with it,” the director said and stomped over to the door, his thick three-inch heels clunking on the wood floor. He placed his hands on his hips, accentuated by the flowing pleated plaid skirt.

“Who is it? And do you wish to come in?”

“Noodlemantra,” came the answer. “And yes, I would like permission to come in. May I?”

“Certainly, certainly,” Wood assured him then watched as the doorknob turned with ease.

“Me chance!” Sparrow thought and sprinted from the bar rushing the door as it slowly opened. Noodlemantra was attempting to push the book cart through his hand flat against the door to keep it open.

He felt the weight of the door lift from his hand as the pirate grabbed the edge, throwing it wider. Jack shouldered himself against the book deliverer and in two quick steps was out the door. The room watched with a mixture of horror and shock as the door slammed behind him. Noodlemantra looked confused then shook his head as he realized what had just happened.

“No! No! He wasn’t supposed to do that! He doesn’t know what could happen! He already has created chaos. What does he think he is doing?”

A scream came from the bedroom.

Mort checked his watch. That kid in the bed again, he thought. That Lantz kid will never learn to keep away from the bed. But Mort knitted his brow when he saw that it was an hour too early.

Then why was he screaming? The bedroom door flew open and Glen Lantz came running out pointing back to the bedroom.

“What the hell’s going on in there? Scared the s--t out of me! That ain’t right, I tell you!” the kid from Elm Street was shouting as he tried to flee to the other side of the room.

Brasco and Blake ran to the bedroom door, guns drawn. Whatever or whoever it was, they did not want any surprises.

“Jesus!” Brasco cried as the Italian cop crossed himself. Blake released the hammer on his gun, safely keeping it pointed to the ceiling, not believing what he was seeing.

Just like behind Mort’s computer the men tried to gather closer to the door, each trying to get a glimpse of what was going on inside the bedroom.

There, crawling out of the center of the bed was the pirate, hat in hand as he heaved himself out onto the mattress. He had cleared himself up to his waist when he became aware he was the center of attention.

“Is anyone going to bloody help me?” he shouted at them. No one moved. “Didn’t think so,” he grumbled as he continued to squirm from the bed.

With one last pull he freed himself and laid exhausted on across the bed. Sparrow glared at the men as he tried to regain his breath and strength.

“Idiots,” he groused. The crowd parted as Noodlemantra elbowed his way past the men into the room, stepping over to the bed.

Without lifting his head Jack looked up at O.N. and raised his hand towards the man.

“Giving a mate a hand are ye, friend?”

Instead of a helping hand O.N. stuffed papers into the opened palm of the pirate.

“No, Captain. I am here to deliver these back to you. And may I suggest not pulling a stunt like that again?”

Sparrow watched as O.N. turned sharply on his heel and marched from the bedroom, the men stepping aside, clearing a path for him.

“Bloody ‘ell I won’t,” Jack promised, then realized what he had in his hands.

Noodlemantra had delivered back his letters.


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