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The Waiting Room

~ Chapter Seventy-Two

Sparrow's Humiliation

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Jack placed his hand where his pistol once was. The emptiness beneath his touch reminded  him that his weapons were missing.
He turned to face The Room, giving each one a once over. How could he have let the pistol and sword be taken from him? Was he so drunk he did not feel the thief steal away his possessions? The obvious answer was a sound ‘Yes’. He let go a sigh. Perhaps he best watch his drink from now on.

As he watched and waited his eyes fell upon DeMarco. The Spaniard was asleep, his head upon the table. He thought perhaps he should wander over and check on the progress of his transcription while he tried to devise a plan to retrieve his pistol and sword.

Jack approached the table at which DeMarco was resting and came to realize that he was not asleep, but merely had his head down upon his arm, mumbling to himself in his native tongue.

“What be the trouble, mate?” Sparrow inquired. The sound of the pirate’s voice brought DeMarco to his feet, the chair scraping back against the wood floor.

“Capitan Sparrow? I was not aware of your presence. My apologies.” Jack watched as the self-proclaimed Spanish lover’s eyes darted nervously behind the mask, finally resting on the table. Sparrow let his eyes follow and saw that the table was empty.

It took a second for the pirate to understand what was making DeMarco so nervous.

“Where is Jessi’s letter?” He asked as he stepped forward, eyes narrowed. The Spaniard stepped back, waiting for Sparrow to draw a weapon he might have hidden somewhere on his body.

“It is they that took your weapons, too,” he commented as he tried to divert the truth of the letter from himself.

“They? What do you mean, ‘they’? And what do you mean, ‘too’? You weren’t armed.” Sparrow looked DeMarco up and down. “Were you?”

“Never! I am a lover! I do not invest in such violent means as pistols and swords and other objects of destruction. My weapon is but one of love...I disarm the ladies with my charm. I am armed with nothing but admiration for the fairer sex. Dissatisfaction is my only enemy…and be sure dear Capitan…no woman leaves my arms unsatisfied.”

“Stop with the bloody talk!” Sparrow warned. He realized he still tried to lay his hand upon the pistol to get the threat across, but was once again reminded of the missing weapon. Without the gun to back his threats he would need a different approach.

He held up both hands, index fingers up and gave them a small shake. “Let’s begin again, Don, shall we? I’ll ask a question, you supply the answer? Savvy?”

“I am at your service, dear Capitan.” DeMarco gave a small bow but his eyes stayed focused on the pirate.

“Now, correct me if I am wrong, but I gave you a letter. A letter ye promised to translate. Did I not?”

“Si, si, you did.”

“Ah, good. That being established.” Sparrow went on. “And how may the translation fare, if I may ask?”

“I am afraid I have no answer to that question, Capitan.” DeMarco said, lifting his hands up, showing they were as empty as his answer.

A darkness crossed Sparrow’s face. “What do ye mean…no answer…ye translated or ye did not translate. What is the answer?”

“I did not have the opportunity to translate the letter. It was, shall we say, confiscated by the authorities.”

Jack’s brow furrowed at the answer. “Confiscated by the authorities? What does that mean?”

“It means “to be taken away” and …”

“I know what confiscated means…I am asking who took it from ye?”

“Constable Crane commanded that I relinquish the letter to him. He claims it was within his duty as an official representative of the law. I am a peace abiding man, Capitan. I did as he requested.”

Jack turned sharply from DeMarco, facing the constable across The Room. He felt the Spaniard step closer, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

“I must advise you, Capitan. It was Constable Crane who also took possession of your weapons while you slept.”

Sparrow felt the heat of his anger flushing his face. Crane! Crane! Of all the men in the room to relieve a pirate of his weapons! Constable Crane! BonBon was more manly than the Scotland Yard constable!

There was only one thing to do, Sparrow thought to himself, and he steeled himself against the humiliation of losing his weapons to the pansied-ass creature and marched himself across The Room.


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